An Employer of Choice

Part of Tanner Health System’s mission includes establishing itself as the region’s healthcare provider of choice. However, Tanner already has made significant steps in cementing its reputation as an employer of choice in the metro Atlanta area, earning regional, state and national accolades from a number of industry-focused publication, including the Atlanta Business Chronicle, Modern Healthcare and Georgia Trend.

Monday, June 7, 2010

We Are Here, We Are Here, We Are HERE!!

Do you remember the fictional town of "Who-ville" that existed peacefully on a tiny spec of dust in the Dr. Seuss classic "Horton Hears a Who"?  Once the Who's discovered that there was a world outside of their own, and their own existence could be greatly affected by that other world - they set out to make all the noise possible.  They hoped that something would get through - that someone would finally hear them.

That is comparable to the feeling one gets when writing a blog post, you just hope someone will be listening and that the effort will have some value.

That is also the feeling that many job seekers have as they work at finding work - they hope that some one is listening, that someone will show interest in their application or resume.

The Opportunity Talks blog (the one you are reading right now) provides the classic win-win solution to both of those concerns.  Applicants can find feedback right here as we respond to your comments; at the same time we, in the HR department, will enjoy the benefit of responses to the topics on this forum - knowing that people are reading.  Hopefully the end result will be a conversation!

Keep in mind that privacy concerns may prevent us from answering very specific questions about some one's individual job search or application.

It is quite possible that the questions on your mind are also the same questions on the minds of countless other job seekers, so ask away!

Go ahead, make some noise - someone is listening.


Anonymous said...

Is it true that there is a hiring freeze at Tanner?

Kelly Fitch said...

At this time, Tanner does not have a hiring freeze in place. Tanner's focus is to always protect and utilize resources wisely while continuously striving to provide the quality of care that separates us from other healthcare facilities. I invite you to visit our new and updated website to review a complete listing of the positions that are currently available. Thank you