It is commonly used by our Recruiters just after they have completed a job offer or just after a newly hired employee has dropped by for their new-hire meeting.
The phrase conveys the general attitude experienced by our new team members - a sense of being welcomed. Some people say it's like family.
It's part of the reason that Tanner Health System is fast-becoming an "employer of choice" in our region; it also accounts for our enviable retention rates among health care providers.
Our hope is that the "welcome" will begin with an application process that's easy to use and with friendly personnel in our Human Resources office to answer questions.
When candidates come in for interviews, we make every effort to set them at ease and to provide them with information that will help them in making a decision to join Tanner.
Newly hired employees tell us that our new on-boarding process is both technologically savvy and user-friendly.
And then once an employee begins working, we make every effort to make that process painless: there is an Orientation Class with other new employees in the system, mentors provide a "go to" person, and there are visits with people from Human Resources and other departments, just to make sure all is well.
When I came here for my interview and subsequent meetings about ten years ago - that "Welcome!" was one of the first things I noticed. In the hallways people smiled and acknowledged me; when I showed up at the wrong building for my interview, people quickly helped me get to my desired destination.
At Tanner, the "welcome experience" is one we want to continually cultivate and maintain.
If you are a current team member, please help us keep the welcome experience alive; it's part of what makes us an employer of choice for our region.
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