1.) “Research”- researching the organization helps to show your interest and boosts credibility with the interviewer.
2.) “Directions, Directions, Directions”- Make sure that you know how long it will take you to arrive at the interview and how to get there. Be sure to get the contact name and number of the representative you are meeting with.
3.) “Look your BEST”- present in a professional manner with neat, pressed attire. Regardless of the position that you are interviewing for, “Dress your Best.”
4.) “Be Prompt”- arrive at least 10-15 minutes early for the interview. Make sure you turn your cell phones off prior to your arrival.
5.) “Sell Yourself”- the interview is your chance to “shine” or sing your praises. Make sure to present in confidence your strengths and abilities that would set you apart from other candidates.
Please refer to our website www.tannerjobs.org for more tips on preparing for the interview.
Preparation is the “Key” that could land you the job!